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This guide aims to overcome that challenge by giving you expert insights and an insider overview of the WordPress platform, directly from the people that use it everyday to build large-scale solutions. Created from conversations with many of the world’s leading enterprise WordPress agencies, it brings together a diverse range of experiences and perspectives, and highlights how the platform best serves the needs of big brands and global organisations.

Times Media showcases open source advantages

Times Media showcases open source advantages

One of the UK’s longest standing publishers has shared its story on how a simplified tech estate, developed by Big Bite and powered by WordPress, has transformed its digital workflows.

Build vs buy: Which is the right path for publishers?

Build vs buy: Which is the right path for publishers?

Back when newspapers first toyed with the notion of producing online content, comprehensive digital publishing tools weren’t yet widely available, which forced many organisations to develop bespoke content management systems. Today the software landscape looks very different…